
Altun, LL.M.

Lawyer | Associate

Kahraman Altun, LL.M. (Edinburgh) specialises in foreign trade law and economic security issues. His areas of expertise include all aspects of German and European export control law, sanctions and embargoes as well as customs law. He also regularly advises investors, sellers and M&A advisors on investment screening law.  He represents clients before the customs authorities, the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and national courts.

Kahraman Altun studied law at the University of Hamburg and the Charles University in Prague. He completed his legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf with stages at a major international law firm, the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry for Economic Affairs and the legal department of an energy company. In 2018, Kahraman Altun earned a Masters degree (LL.M.) from the University of Edinburgh. Kahraman Altun subsequently worked first as a research assistant at a major international law firm and then as a lawyer at a leading German law firm, both in the field of foreign trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) screening law. 


Investment screening

Critical infrastructures

Export control

Embargoes and sanctions

Customs law






German Association for International Law (German Section of the International Law Association)

German-British Lawyers' Association

Forum Investitionsprüfung e.V. 

Lecturing activities

Lecturer at Hamburger Zollakademie


Das 14. Sanktionspaket der Europäischen Union gegen Russland, ZASA 2024, 383 (together with Dr. Katja Göcke)

Verordnung über kritische Rohstoffe in Kraft getreten, ZASA 2024, 376

Vorschlag der Kommission für eine neue Screening-Verordnung, ZASA 2024, 70 (together with Marian Niestedt)

BMWK veröffentlicht Hinweispapier zur Vermeidung von Sanktionsumgehungen, ZASA 2024, 4 (together with Marian Niestedt)

Investitionskontrollrechtlicher „Doppelschlag“ des VG Berlin, ZASA 2023, 353 (together with Marian Niestedt)

Kommissionsleitfaden zu Sorgfaltspflichten zur Vermeidung von Sanktionsumgehungen, ZASA 2023, 263 (together with Marian Niestedt)

Anti-Suit Injunctions in European Transnational Litigation: Past, Present and Post-Brexit Future of an Unusual Remedy, ERPL Vol. 28 (2020) Issue 3, 585

WTO Option in Practice: How a No-Deal Brexit would Seriously Damage Key UK Industries  London School of Economics and Political Science's Brexit Blog (13. September 2018)