Dr Julia Hörnig advises on all aspects of foreign trade law in the context of sustainable supply chains and circular supply chains. She specialises in advising on compliance with relevant regulatory requirements, including supply chain communication, as well as representation in administrative and court proceedings. In addition, she advises from our Brussels office on consultations by the European Union and the strategic monitoring of European legislative processes.
Dr Julia Hörnig studied at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder and at the Erasmus University. She holds a PhD in International Transport Law from the University of Lucerne. During her legal clerkship, she worked at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, New York, among others.
Deforestation-free supply chains (EUDR)
Due diligence obligations in the supply chain (LkSG/ CSDDD)
Forced labour ban
Circular Economy (ESPR, PPWR, Waste shipment)
Customs Law
Women in Sustainable Business (Founder)
Rolf Herber Foundation (Board Member)
Brussels Sustainability Club
German Society for Transport Law
German Association for International Maritime Law
Klimaattafel Mobiliteit
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam: Lecturer and Host of the Podcast "What is wrong with Maritime Trade?" (2020-2022)
Europa-University Viadrina (bis 2024)
Hamburger Zollakademie
Krenzler/ Herrmann/ Niestedt, EU-Außenwirtschafts- und Zollrecht, Annotation of Artt. 1-12 EUDR
Ökodesign-Verordnung tritt in Kraft - zukünftige Importverbote und Vernichtungsverbote, ZASA 2024, 374
Die Verordnung (EU) 2023/1115 über entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten und deren Compliance-Anforderungen, CB 2024, 119
Leloudas (Hrsg.) Montreal Convention, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, Annotation of Cargo-related provisions (together with George Leloudas)
Nachhaltige Rückführlogistik – ein erster juristischer Einblick, TranspR 2021, 413
Towards “secondary raw material” as a legal category, Environmental Law Review 24(2) 2022, 11
Presentations for Subworking Group on Article 9 Arms Trade Treaty (UN, Geneva) on “Transport and Transit of Arms by Road and Air” and “Arms Transport by Sea”