

Lawyer | Counsel

Lars Hillmann advises on compliance in foreign trade and represents companies in customs and export control proceedings before authorities and in court. One focus of his advice is the EU's CO2 border adjustment mechanism (CBAM). His clients include EU companies as well as third country suppliers and associations. In the area of embargoes and sanctions, Lars Hillmann supports companies whose supply relationships are acutely affected by legal changes.   

Lars Hillmann initially worked in the field of renewable energies and M&A. His legal clerkship took him to a commercial law firm in Nairobi. He studied law with additional training in economics in Bayreuth and was a lecturer in public commercial law in Bayreuth and Leipzig.


Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

Embargoes and sanctions

Export control

Customs law





German Association for International Maritime Law

German Bar Association  

Lecturing activities

Lecturer at Hamburger Zollakademie

Lecturer at Industrie- und Handelskammern as well as IHK Exportakademie

Lecturer at Verlag Dashöfer


Auswirkungen des CO2-Grenzausgleichssystems (CBAM) auf die Lieferketten deutscher Importeure, AW-Prax 2024, 19

Bedeutung des Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) für die Logistikbranche bei Verstößen gegen Zollvorschriften und der Verwendung von CBAM-Waren als Transportmittel, Recht der Transportwirtschaft 2024, 24

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism fordert Unternehmen heraus, Börsen-Zeitung of 24 April 2024

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Auf dem Weg zu einer CO2-Bepreisung für Importe, VIK-Mitteilungen, Edition 4/2023

Das CO2-Grenzausgleichssystem (CBAM), Berichtspflichten für Einfuhren und Ausblick auf das System, ZfZ 2023, 290

Neue (unbestimmte) Listungstatbestände: Sanktionsrisiken für alle „in Russland tätigen führenden Geschäftsleute“ und Mithaftung ihrer Familienmitglieder? ZASA 2023, 11